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sewage treatment plants SEWAGE TREATMENT PLANTS
Alternative requirements, NR 110.04
Construction plans, NR 110.06
Disinfection, NR 110.23
Environmental protection, Chs. NR 110, 114
Lagoons, NR 110.24
Lift stations, NR 110.11
Screening devices, NR 110.16
Settling tanks, NR 110.18
Sewer extensions, NR 110.05
Trickling filters, NR 110.19
sewerage systems SEWERAGE SYSTEMS
Boat and on-shore sewage facilities, Ch. SPS 386
Construction requirements, Ch. NR 110
Design construction and operation, Ch. NR 108
Lagoons, NR 110.24
Land disposal:
Absorption pond systems, NR 110.255 (1)
General conditions, NR 110.25
Overland flow systems, NR 110.255 (4)
Ridge and furrow systems, NR 110.255 (3)
Spray irrigation systems, NR 110.255 (2)
Private systems, Ch. SPS 383
Septic or holding tanks, pumping chambers, grease interceptors, seepage beds, pits and trenches, privies or portable restrooms, servicing standards, Ch. NR 113
Septic tank replacement or rehabilitation grant programs, Ch. SPS 387
Sewage effluent, land disposal, standards, NR 110.25
Sewer extensions, NR 110.05
Soil and site evaluation, Ch. SPS 385
shoreland protection program SHORELAND PROTECTION PROGRAM
Purpose and standards, Ch. NR 115
sign language interpreting SIGN LANGUAGE INTERPRETING
Licensing and regulation by department of safety and professional services:
Definitions, Ch. SPS 200
Identification cards, Ch. SPS 204
Scope of practice restrictions, Ch. SPS 203
Unprofessional conduct, Ch. SPS 201
Educational interpreter licensing, Subch. VI of ch. PI 34
signs SIGNS
See also Electric
Advertising along the national system of interstate and federal-aid highways, Ch. Trans 201
Highways, erected, Ch. Trans 200
Navigation aids, NR 5.09
Snowmobile trails, NR 50.09
Warning signs for underground transmission lines, Trans 200.05
Warning signs, utility work areas, Trans 200.055
Waterway markers, NR 5.09
skating rinks SKATING RINKS
skiing SKIING
Lift plan approval fee, SPS 302.21
Passenger ropeways, Ch. SPS 333
slaughterhouses SLAUGHTERHOUSES
Inspection, Ch. ATCP 55
snowmobiles SNOWMOBILES
Aids to clubs, NR 50.11
Equipment standards, Ch. NR 6
Grant programs for trails, NR 50.09
Law enforcement aid to counties, NR 50.12
Law enforcement aid to municipalities, NR 50.13
Operation on DNR land unlawful, NR 45.05
Races and derbies, NR 6.09
Rail crossings, Subch. II of ch. NR 6
Signs on trails, NR 50.09
Traffic on state-owned lands, NR 45.05
Trails, NR 50.09
social security aids SOCIAL SECURITY AIDS
social services SOCIAL SERVICES
social work SOCIAL WORK
School social workers, PI 34.062
soda and bottled drinking water SODA AND BOTTLED DRINKING WATER
Bottling establishments:
General requirements, Subch. II of ch. ATCP 70
Special requirements, Subch. III of ch. ATCP 70
Trade practices, Subch. II of ch. ATCP 102
soil and water conservation SOIL AND WATER CONSERVATION
Nonpoint source water pollution abatement program, Ch. NR 155
Resource management program, Ch. ATCP 50
soil testing SOIL TESTING
Generally, Ch. SPS 385
solar energy systems SOLAR ENERGY SYSTEMS
Administration, Subch. I of ch. SPS 371
Consumer evaluation, Subch. II of ch. SPS 371
Definitions, SPS 371.10
Materials and workmanship, Subch. IV of ch. SPS 371
Operation and maintenance, Subch. VI of ch. SPS 371